We’re proud to be launching a new option for our PCB designs – Pheromones. These chemicals, embedded deep within an electronic product, are used to trigger social responses in the user, thus improving the human-machine interface, and enriching the user experience.

In much the same way that supermarkets release the aromas of fresh coffee and baking bread to encourage shoppers to spend more, so pheromone-based products can improve the user’s social skills – a ground-breaking development for social media and on-line dating.

We’re currently trialling the technology in two popular prepreg materials:-
FR-2 based Phenolic Pheromones
FR-4 based Empathetic Epoxies

Should these prove popular, we are also considering flexible substrates for wearable technology, for those more intimate, personal applications.

If you think you have a use for this technology, and wish to know more, please contact us