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Phew It’s Christmas!

Posted on 22 Dec 2015 in News

Another year nearly over, but what a great year, our best yet! I would like to thank all our clients, it has been great working with you, and we are loving the challenges you are setting us. However we are looking forward to a well-earned break, time to put our feet up and spend some time with the family. We shut down between Christmas and New Year, but we do keep an eye on email/voicemail so shout if something urgent crops up. Have a great...

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Backing The Right Horse

Posted on 22 Dec 2015 in News

It has been clear for many years that the big growth in building control networks is wireless. Wireless networks are becoming increasingly reliable, and have the obvious advantages of flexibilty and ease of installation. However choosing the right wireless protocol is becoming a bit of a minefield. What I want for Christmas is a single common open interoperable protocol, which – has all layers of the stack clearly defined, including the...

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