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We're a herd of nerds who are passionate about design!

ARM Cortex M0

Posted on 16 Sep 2012 in News

We’ve been using ARM Cortex M3 processors for quite a while now, and are big fans. Recently we have started using the M0 variants, and boy do they offer great value for money! For as little as 50 pence you get a fully-fledged 32bit processor with plenty of Flash and RAM, and all the normal I/O, ADCs and timers you want in an embedded microcontroller, in a tiny low-power package. They make the Atmel ATMEGA8 (our old favourite) look...

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Recession Stimulates Innovation

Posted on 01 Sep 2012 in News

We have noticed a real increase in design activity during the current recession. It is a great way for companies to gain advantage over their competitors, and capture a larger share of a smaller market. We were rather please to see that the BBC agrees http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-19423195

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